With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology and its successful application in various fields, modeling and simulation technology, especially multi-agent modeling and simulation (MAMS), of complex systems has rapidly advanced. In this study, we first describe the concept, technical advantages, research steps, and research status of MAMS. Then we review the development status of the hybrid modeling and simulation combining multi-agent and system dynamics, the modeling and simulation of multi-agent reinforcement learning, and the modeling and simulation of large-scale multi-agent. Lastly, we introduce existing MAMS platforms and their comparative studies. This work summarizes the current research situation of MAMS, thus helping scholars understand the systematic technology development of MAMS in the AI era. It also paves the way for further research on MAMS technology.
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Open Access
Tsinghua Science and Technology 2021, 26(5): 608-624
Published: 20 April 2021
Total 1