Open Access Perspective Issue
Recent research advances in enhanced CO2 mineralization and geologic CO2 storage
Advances in Geo-Energy Research 2023, 10 (3): 141-145
Published: 20 October 2023
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Enhanced CO2 mineralization and geologic CO2 storage have received increasing attention as two prominent approaches in combating climate change and fostering sustainable development of human society. This paper aims to explore three emerging areas of research within the realm of enhanced CO2 mineralization and geologic CO2 storage, including enhanced rock weathering, numerical modeling and validation of CO2 storage accounting for the interplay of various trapping mechanisms, and the examination of how reservoir heterogeneity influences the migration of CO2-brine multiphase flow. Discussions highlight the effectiveness of the spectrum induced polarization for monitoring changes in petrophysical and geochemical properties of rocks during enhanced rock weathering. Additionally, the multi-scale heterogeneity of geological formations needs to be carefully characterized, due to the fact that it plays a vital role in CO2 migration. Further research is required to achieve accurate and reliable simulations of convective mixing for field-scale applications.

Open Access Editorial Issue
Opportunities and challenges in CO2 geologic utilization and storage
Advances in Geo-Energy Research 2023, 8 (3): 141-145
Published: 05 May 2023
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CO2 geological utilization and storage is considered as an effective approach to deeply cut anthropogenic CO2 emissions. It is vital to enhance the amount of CO2 stored in the subsurface, at the same time to ensure safe and long-term subsurface storage of CO2 without any CO2 leakage. Science and engineering research in modeling concepts, experimental approaches, safety assurance and emerging CO2 geological utilization and storage technologies have driven the advancement of CO2 geological utilization and storage in recent years. In order to encourage communication and collaboration in CO2 geological utilization and storage research worldwide, a Sino-German joint symposium titled “Opportunities and Challenges in CO2 Geologic Utilization and Storage” was organized in Wuhan and Stuttgart from February 22 to 24, 2023, bringing together experts from China, Germany, and other countries. The symposium was jointly organized by Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems, University of Stuttgart with financial support from the Sino-German Center for Research Promotion. A two-site hybrid meeting was held (participants in China met in Wuhan, participants in Germany met in Stuttgart, and other participants joined the meeting online), attracting more than 100 participants from around the world. The latest studies in the field of CO2 geological utilization and storage were presented at the symposium.

Open Access Editorial Issue
Subsurface multiphase reactive flow in geologic CO2 storage: Key impact factors and characterization approaches
Advances in Geo-Energy Research 2022, 6 (3): 179-180
Published: 07 April 2022
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Open Access Original Article Issue
Pore-scale numerical simulation of supercritical CO2 migration in porous and fractured media saturated with water
Advances in Geo-Energy Research 2020, 4 (4): 419-434
Published: 17 October 2020
Abstract PDF (2.6 MB) Collect

A thorough understanding of the microscopic flow process in porous and fractured media is significant for oil and gas development, geothermal energy extraction and subsurface CO2 storage etc. In CO2 geological sequestration, the CO2 is often injected at the supercritical state (scCO2), which will displace the connate fluids in the pore spaces during the drainage process. However, when CO2 injection stops, the connate brine or water flows back to displace the scCO2. Therefore, the configuration of migration paths in a specific reservoir plays a significant role in affecting the connectivity and storage efficiency of scCO2. In this paper, the two-phase (scCO2 and water) boundary has been defined using the phase field method, and the COMSOL Multiphysics simulator is applied to study the migration of scCO2 in porous/fractured media at the pore scale. The geological conditions of Shiqianfeng formation in the CO2 capture and storage pilot site of the Ordos Basin in China is selected as the engineering background. Before using the actual microscopic geometry based on thin-section of Shiqianfeng sandstone, we get the general understanding on scCO2 migration in fractured porous media that has the highly simplified configuration with circular particles, considering the impacts of wettability, geometry of formation mineral grains, interfacial tension, injection rates, and fracture geometry. Results show that the CO2 preferential flow occurs at locations with high CO2 flow rates and high CO2 pore pressure. The preferential flow of scCO2 occurs adjacent to the wall of grains while minimal or little flow takes place through the interior between the grains, considering the grains with irregular shapes. The interfacial tension of porous media plays a significant role in controlling the spatial distribution of the scCO2. A much lower interfacial tension results in a much thinner scCO2 flow band with a much higher saturation. The geometry of fractures in porous media increases the complexity of the scCO2 flow paths at the pore scale.

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