Multi-Clock Snapshot Isolation (MCSI) is a concurrency control mechanism that implements snapshot isolation on a single-layer Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) database. It stores a single copy of data by using multi-version storage to ensure durability and runtime access. With multi-clock transaction timestamp assignment, MCSI can efficiently generate snapshots with vector clocks and use per-thread transaction status arrays to identify uncommitted versions in NVM. For evaluation, we compared MCSI with the PostgreSQL-style concurrency control used in the single-layer NVM database N2DB. The maximum transaction throughput of MCSI is 101%–195% higher than that of N2DB for the YCSB workloads, and 25%–49% higher for the TPC-C workloads. Moreover, the transaction latency of MCSI remains relatively stable as the thread count increases. With 18 worker threads, the average transaction latency of MCSI is 65%–84% lower than that of N2DB for the YCSB workloads and 16%–43% lower for the TPC-C workloads.
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Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) offers byte-addressability and persistency. Because NVM can be plugged into memory and provide low latency, it offers a new opportunity to build new database systems with a single-layer storage design. A single-layer NVM-Native DataBase (N2DB) provides zero copy and log freedom. Hence, all data are stored in NVM and there is no extra data duplication and logging during execution. N2DB avoids complex data synchronization and logging overhead in the two-layer storage design of disk-oriented databases and in-memory databases. Garbage Collection (GC) is critical in such an NVM-based database because memory leaks on NVM are durable. Moreover, data recovery is equally essential to guarantee atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability properties. Without logging, it is a great challenge for N2DB to restore data to a consistent state after crashes and recoveries. This paper presents the GC and data recovery mechanisms for N2DB. Evaluations show that the overall performance of N2DB is up to
It is hard for applications to make full utilization of the peak bandwidth of the storage system in highperformance computers because of I/O interferences, storage resource misallocations and complex long I/O paths. We performed several studies to bridge this gap in the Sunway storage system, which serves the supercomputer Sunway TaihuLight. To locate these issues and connections between them, an end-to-end performance monitoring and diagnosis tool was developed to understand I/O behaviors of applications and the system. With the help of the tool, we were about to find out the root causes of such performance barriers at the I/O forwarding layer and the parallel file system layer. An application-aware I/O forwarding allocation framework was used to address the I/O interferences and resource misallocations at the I/O forwarding layer. A performance-aware data placement mechanism was proposed to mitigate the impact of I/O interferences and performance variations of storage devices in the PFS. Together, applications obtained much better I/O performance. During the process, we also proposed a lightweight storage stack to shorten the I/O path of applications with N-N I/O pattern. This paper summarizes these studies and presents the lessons learned from the process.