Research Article Issue
Limiting current oxygen sensor based on Y, In co-doped SrTiO3 as a dense diffusion barrier layer
Nano Research 2022, 15(6): 4880-4885
Published: 03 March 2021
Abstract PDF (4.2 MB) Collect

A novel dense diffusion barrier material (YxSr1−xTi0.9In0.1O3−δ (x = 0.03, 0.05, 0.07)) was prepared by using a sol-gel method. The crystal structure, microstructures, electrical conductivity and ionic conductivity of barrier material were characterized. The results show that the samples exhibit the formation of cubic perovskite structure phase. The increase of Y-doping amount on A-site improved electrical conductivity and sinterability of materials. A limiting current oxygen sensor based on Y0.07Sr0.97Ti0.9In0.1O3–δ as a dense diffusion barrier shows excellent sensing performance. The linear relationship between limiting current logIL and 1000/T can described logIL = 4.603,8 − 3.847,5·1,000/T. At 750 °C, 0.25% ≤ x(O2) ≤ 5.0%, the linear relationship between limiting current (IL) and oxygen amount (x(O2)) can described as IL = 7.047,6 + 3.875,1·x(O2).

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