Research Article Issue
Hydroxylated metal–organic-layer nanocages anchoring single atomic cobalt sites for robust photocatalytic CO2 reduction
Nano Research 2024, 17(4): 2410-2419
Published: 14 September 2023
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Assembly of two-dimensional (2D) metal–organic layers (MOLs) based on the hard and soft acid–base theorem represents an exquisite strategy for the construction of photocatalytic platforms in virtue of the highly exposed active sites, much improved mass transport, and greatly elevated stability. Herein, nanocages composed of MOLs are produced for the first time through a cosolvent approach utilizing zirconium-based UiO-66-(OH)2 as the structural precursor. To endow the catalytic activity for CO2 conversion, single atomic Co2+ sites are appended to the Zr-oxo nodes of the MOL cages, demonstrating a remarkable CO yield of 7.74 mmol·g−1·h−1 and operational stability of 97.1% product retention after five repeated cycles. Such an outstanding photocatalytic performance is mainly attributed to the unique nanocage morphology comprising enormous 2D nanosheets for augmented Co2+ exposure and the abundant surface hydroxyl groups for local CO2 enrichment. This work underlines the tailoring of both metal–organic framework (MOF) morphology and functionality to boost the turnover rate of photocatalytic CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR).

Research Article Issue
Fast-charging and dendrite-free lithium metal anode enabled by partial lithiation of graphene aerogel
Nano Research 2022, 15(11): 9792-9799
Published: 21 March 2022
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The development of deeply cyclable lithium metal batteries with fast-charging capability offers a promising solution to relieve the “range anxiety” in driving electric vehicles. Conventional lithium metal anodes suffered from low operating current densities and shallow charge/discharge depths, owing to the intrinsic dendrite growth governed by Sand’s law. Herein, we come up with a novel design of heavy-duty lithium metal anode fabricated by partially infusing the three-dimensional (3D) porous graphene aerogel with molten Li. Both electroanalytical measurements and simulations show that the unique electrode architecture brings notable advantages in mediating smooth Li plating/stripping, including reduced local current density, inhibited dendrite growth, buffered volume fluctuation, as well as more efficient Li utilization. Consequently, a remarkable cycling performance in symmetric cells for over 400 cycles (800 h) with an ultrahigh cycling capacity of 15 mAh·cm−2 at 15 mA·cm−2 is achieved, which, to our best knowledge, has been never seen in literature. LiFePO4 full cells demonstrate a superb rate capability up to 10 C and a prolonged cycling of 1,600 cycles at 2 C with the per-cycle capacity decay of only 0.023%. This study paves the way for the ultimate deployment of lithium metal batteries in real-world applications that require fast charging and deep cycling.

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