The global economy and public health are currently under enormous pressure since the outbreak of COVID-19. Apart from respiratory discomfort, a subpopulation of COVID-19 patients exhibits neurological symptoms such as headache, myalgia, and loss of smell. Some have even shown encephalitis and necrotizing hemorrhagic encephalopathy. The cytoskeleton of nerve cells changes drastically in these pathologies, indicating that the cytoskeleton and its related proteins are closely related to the pathogenesis of nervous system diseases. In this review, we present the up-to-date association between host cytoskeleton and coronavirus infection in the context of the nervous system. We systematically summarize cytoskeleton-related pathogen-host interactions in both the peripheral and central nervous systems, hoping to contribute to the development of clinical treatment in COVID-19 patients.
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Brain Science Advances 2023, 9(1): 43-52
Published: 27 February 2023
Total 1