Open Access Issue
Research on the characteristics and influencing factors of terrestrial heat flow in Guizhou Province
Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering 2022, 10 (2): 166-183
Published: 20 June 2022
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Terrestrial heat flow is an important physical parameter in the study of heat transfer and thermal structure of the earth and it has great significance in the genesis and development and utilization potential of regional geothermal resources. Although several breakthroughs in geothermal exploration have been made in Guizhou Province. The terrestrial heat flow in this area has not been properly measured, restricting the development of geothermal resources in the province. For this reason, the terrestrial heat flow in Guizhou was measured in this study, during which the characteristics of heat flow were determined using borehole thermometry, geothermal monitoring and thermal property testing. Moreover, the influencing factors of the terrestrial heat flow were analyzed. The results show that the thermal conductivity of rocks ranges from 2.0 W/(m·K) to 5.0 W/(m·K), with an average of 3.399 W/(m·K); the heat flow varies from 30.27 mW/m2 to 157.55 mW/m2, with an average of 65.26 ± 20.93 mW/m2, which is slightly higher than that of the average heat flow in entire land area in China. The heat flow in Guizhou generally follows a dumbbell-shaped distribution, with high values present in the east and west and low values occurring in the north and south. The terrestrial heat flow is related to the burial depths of the Moho and Curie surface. The basaltic eruptions in the Emeishan led to a thinner lithosphere, thicker crust and lateral emplacement, which dominated the basic pattern of heat flow distribution in Guizhou. In addition, the dichotomous structure of regional active faults and concealed deep faults jointly control the heat transfer channels and thus influence the terrestrial heat flow.

Using TOUGH2 numerical simulation to analyse the geothermal formation in Guide basin, China
Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering 2020, 8 (4): 328-337
Published: 28 December 2020
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The Guide sedimentary basin is located in the northeastern part of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau,which is rich in geothermal resources. However,exploitation of the geothermal resources has so far been limited,because of limited understanding of the resources quantity and storage gained from scientific researches. In this study,using a typical cross section across the basin and taking into account its geothermal and geological conditions,a new water-heat coupled model was built and associated modelling was done by the software TOUGH2. During modelling process,the accuracy and applicability of the model was confirmed through the calibration of relevant parameters for modelling the heat and water transport and the formation of geothermal reservoir across the basin,with particular focus on the Neogene geothermal field. Results show that the groundwater that flows from the basin margins to the center is heated by the Neogene and Paleogene sedimentary rocks with high geothermal gradients. Since the east-west extending fault F1 is conductive,it acts as preferential flow paths which on one hand provide additional and rapid flows to the thermal reservoir; and on the other hand,cool down the thermal water to a certain extent due to the infiltration of shallower water sources in the vicinity of the fault. Furthermore,the estimated geothermal resources quantity is close to that of previous studies. In comparison with the Paleogene rock formations,the Neogene geothermal reservoir shows a better nature in terms of water content,aquifer permeability and resources exploitability,although the resource quantity of the Paleogene reservoir is considerable.

Research on the effect of straw mulching on the soil moisture by field experiment in the piedmont plain of the Taihang Mountains
Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering 2017, 5 (3): 286-295
Published: 28 September 2017
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To reveal the influencing effect of the long-term straw mulching on the soil moisture, this paper employed the field experiment data in 2010 of a typical area of Taihang Mountains plain, observed the soil moisture dynamic regularities under different mulching patterns by virtue of depressimeter and neutron probe, analyzed the characteristics of soil water content and storage in different depths and seasons under the long-term straw mulching. The results showed that the long-term straw mulching can keep the soil moisture conservation of the deep, while decreased the shallow. (1) The long-term straw mulching can changed the type of soil water movement. If no straw mulching, the type is mainly evaporation-infiltration. And with straw mantle the type would change into infiltration. The number of zero flux plane would be reduced or absent. (2) The long-term straw mulching can increase the soil water reserves of the whole soil profile with the depth between 0 cm and 220 cm. But the soil water content of the layer from 30 cm to 80 cm decreased and the soil water content of the layer from 80 cm to 220 cm increased instead., The effect of soil moisture conservation on winter wheat is not obvious; (3) With no straw mulching, the depth of infiltration recharge by rainfall or irrigation is shallower than 80 cm. In a straw mulching, the influence depth is can extend to 120 cm; (4) With no straw mulching, there is a deep layer on the depth of 220 cm between March and June, while this layer will disappear with a long-term straw mulching.

Reconstruction of deep fluid chemical constituents for estimation of geothermal reservoir temperature using chemical geothermometers
Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering 2017, 5 (2): 173-181
Published: 28 June 2017
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This paper elaborates the chemical constituent change principles of deep geothermal fluid during the process of upward movement. It summarizes research methods of hydrochemistry, isotope and numerical modelling technique for the physiochemical processes such as decreasing temperature, shallow groundwater infusion, and degassing. The multi-component chemical geothermometry methods including gas geochemical method are discussed. High-temperature geothermal fields in China are mostly located in the southwest with frequent new tectonic movements, especially in Tibet high-temperature geothermal areas. Therefore the paper also focuses the status of high-temperature geothermal fluid research. At last, it’s pointed out in the paper that in the future we can start from typical high-temperature geothermal zones and geothermal fields to explore optimization of the multi-component geothermometry method and use it in the reconstruction and analogue of the formation mechanism and internal relevancy of regional geothermal systems.

A review of fluid flow and heat transfer in the CO2-EGS
Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering 2015, 3 (2): 170-175
Published: 28 June 2015
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Carbon dioxide enhanced geothermal system (CO2-EGS) now is an emerging research field that is attracting an increasing research interest with broad application prospects based on its low-carbon, economical and renewable features. The fluid flow and heat transfer is the core of CO2-EGS research. In this paper, further research focus is pointed out after summarizing the latest research progress in this field based on the explanation and the advantages of CO2-EGS development process in the hope of providing reference for researchers engaged in this field.

Study on Movement Evolution Law of Soil Water in Condition of Agronomic Water Saving Irrigation
Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering 2013, 1 (1): 33-45
Published: 28 April 2013
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Fresh water supplied are often limited in mainland China, reducing agricultural productivity. However the use of straw mulch is the main management technique for agronomic water saving. This paper investigates the movement of soil water under straw mulch compared to a non-mulch test plot. Results demonstrated that straw mulch effected soil water movement primarily during drought periods and throughout shallow soil (i.e. depths of less than 200 cm). The soil moisture and soil water potential at the mulch test plot in drought period are both higher than that of contrast test plot, and along with increasing soil depth, the straw mulch effect weakens. When evaporation is dominated by surface evaporation, straw mulch will effectively restrict the evaporation of soil water; when evaporation dominated by vegetation transpiration, the straw mulch promotes the transpiration of vegetation. In drought periods, straw mulch is not effective for deep soil water infiltration, but is advantageous for soil water utilization of mid- and shallow- soils (0-120 cm), however the infiltration speed rate of straw mulch point during high water period is higher than that of contrast plot. This paper highlights the importance of good management practices of agricultural land in order to limit soil water losses, which is essential when water is such a limited resource.

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