Open Access Highlight Issue
Metavalent bonding impacts charge carrier transport across grain boundaries
Nano Research Energy 2023, 2: 9120057
Published: 22 February 2023
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Understanding the mechanisms underpinning the charge carrier scattering at grain boundaries is crucial to design thermoelectrics and other electronic materials. Yet, this is a very challenging task due to the complex characteristics of grain boundaries and the resulting difficulties in correlating grain boundary structures to local properties. Recent advances in characterizing charge transport across grain boundaries are reviewed, demonstrating how the microstructure, composition, chemical bonding and electrical properties of the same individual grain boundary can be correlated. A much higher potential barrier height is observed in high-angle grain boundaries. This can be ascribed to the larger number density of deep trapping states caused by the local collapse of metavalent bonding. A novel approach to study the influence of the local chemical bonding mechanism around defects on the resulting local properties is thus developed. The results provide insights into the tailoring of electronic properties of metavalently bonded compounds by engineering the characteristics of grain boundaries.

Open Access Issue
High-performance and stable AgSbTe2-based thermoelectric materials for near room temperature applications
Journal of Materiomics 2022, 8 (6): 1095-1103
Published: 20 August 2022
Abstract Collect

AgSbTe2-based ternary chalcogenides show excellent thermoelectric performance at low- and middle-temperature ranges, yet their practical applications are greatly limited by their intrinsic poor thermodynamic stability. In this work, we demonstrate that AgSbTe2-based ternary chalcogenides can be stabilized for service below their decomposition threshold. A series of AgxSb2-xTe3-x (x = 1.0, 0.9, 0.8 and 0.7) samples have been prepared by the melt-quenching method. Among them, phase pure Ag0.9Sb1.1Te2.1 is verified by comprehensive structural characterizations from macroscale by X-ray diffraction to microscale by energy-dispersive spectroscopy and then to sub-nanometer scale by atom probe tomography. This composition is further chosen for the stability investigation. The decomposition threshold of Ag0.9Sb1.1Te2.1 appears around 473 K. Below this temperature, the chemical compositions and thermoelectric properties are barely changed even after 720 h annealing at 473 K. The figure-of-merit (zT) value of Ag0.9Sb1.1Te2.1 below the decomposition threshold is very competitive for real applications even compared with Bi2Te3-based alloys. The average zT of Ag0.9Sb1.1Te2.1 at 300–473 K reaches 0.84, which is higher than most other thermoelectric materials in a similar temperature range, promising applications in miniaturized refrigeration and power generation near room temperature.

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