Regular Paper Issue
DeltaFuzz: Historical Version Information Guided Fuzz Testing
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 2022, 37(1): 29-49
Published: 31 January 2022
Abstract Collect

With the widespread use of agile software development methods, such as agile and scrum, software is iteratively updated more frequently. To ensure the quality of the software, regression testing is conducted before new versions are released. Moreover, to improve the efficiency of regression testing, testing efforts should be concentrated on the modified and impacted parts of a program. However, the costs of manually constructing new test cases for the modified and impacted parts are relatively expensive. Fuzz testing is an effective method for generating test data automatically, but it is usually devoted to achieving higher code coverage, which makes fuzz testing unsuitable for direct regression testing scenarios. For this reason, we propose a fuzz testing method based on the guidance of historical version information. First, the differences between the program being tested and the last version are analyzed, and the results of the analysis are used to locate change points. Second, change impact analysis is performed to find the corresponding impacted basic blocks. Finally, the fitness values of test cases are calculated according to the execution traces, and new test cases are generated iteratively by the genetic algorithm. Based on the proposed method, we implement a prototype tool DeltaFuzz and conduct experiments on six open-source projects. Compared with the fuzzing tool AFLGo, AFLFast and AFL, DeltaFuzz can reach the target faster, and the time taken by DeltaFuzz was reduced by 20.59%, 30.05% and 32.61%, respectively.

Regular Paper Issue
FATOC: Bug Isolation Based Multi-Fault Localization by Using OPTICS Clustering
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 2020, 35(5): 979-998
Published: 30 September 2020
Abstract Collect

Bug isolation is a popular approach for multi-fault localization (MFL), where all failed test cases are clustered into several groups, and then the failed test cases in each group combined with all passed test cases are used to localize only a single fault. However, existing clustering algorithms cannot always obtain completely correct clustering results, which is a potential threat for bug isolation based MFL approaches. To address this issue, we first analyze the influence of the accuracy of the clustering on the performance of MFL, and the results of a controlled study indicate that using the clustering algorithm with the highest accuracy can achieve the best performance of MFL. Moreover, previous studies on clustering algorithms also show that the elements in a higher density cluster have a higher similarity. Based on the above motivation, we propose a novel approach FATOC (One-Fault-at-a-Time via OPTICS Clustering). In particular, FATOC first leverages the OPTICS (Ordering Points to Identify the Clustering Structure) clustering algorithm to group failed test cases, and then identifies a cluster with the highest density. OPTICS clustering is a density-based clustering algorithm, which can reduce the misgrouping and calculate a density value for each cluster. Such a density value of each cluster is helpful for finding a cluster with the highest clustering effectiveness. FATOC then combines the failed test cases in this cluster with all passed test cases to localize a single-fault through the traditional spectrum-based fault localization (SBFL) formula. After this fault is localized and fixed, FATOC will use the same method to localize the next single-fault, until all the test cases are passed. Our evaluation results show that FATOC can significantly outperform the traditional SBFL technique and a state-of-the-art MFL approach MSeer on 804 multi-faulty versions from nine real-world programs. Specifically, FATOC’s performance is 10.32% higher than that of traditional SBFL when using Ochiai formula in terms of metric A-EXAM. Besides, the results also indicate that, when checking 1%, 3% and 5% statements of all subject programs, FATOC can locate 36.91%, 48.50% and 66.93% of all faults respectively, which is also better than the traditional SBFL and the MFL approach MSeer.

Regular Paper Issue
DP-Share: Privacy-Preserving Software Defect Prediction Model Sharing Through Differential Privacy
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 2019, 34(5): 1020-1038
Published: 06 September 2019
Abstract Collect

In current software defect prediction (SDP) research, most previous empirical studies only use datasets provided by PROMISE repository and this may cause a threat to the external validity of previous empirical results. Instead of SDP dataset sharing, SDP model sharing is a potential solution to alleviate this problem and can encourage researchers in the research community and practitioners in the industrial community to share more models. However, directly sharing models may result in privacy disclosure, such as model inversion attack. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to apply differential privacy (DP) to privacy-preserving SDP model sharing and then propose a novel method DP-Share, since DP mechanisms can prevent this attack when the privacy budget is carefully selected. In particular, DP-Share first performs data preprocessing for the dataset, such as over-sampling for minority instances (i.e., defective modules) and conducting discretization for continuous features to optimize privacy budget allocation. Then, it uses a novel sampling strategy to create a set of training sets. Finally it constructs decision trees based on these training sets and these decision trees can form a random forest (i.e., model). The last phase of DP-Share uses Laplace and exponential mechanisms to satisfy the requirements of DP. In our empirical studies, we choose nine experimental subjects from real software projects. Then, we use AUC (area under ROC curve) as the performance measure and holdout as our model validation technique. After privacy and utility analysis, we find that DP-Share can achieve better performance than a baseline method DF-Enhance in most cases when using the same privacy budget. Moreover, we also provide guidelines to effectively use our proposed method. Our work attempts to fill the research gap in terms of differential privacy for SDP, which can encourage researchers and practitioners to share more SDP models and then effectively advance the state of the art of SDP.

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