State of seawater intrusion and its adaptive management countermeasures in Longkou City of China
Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering 2020, 8 (1): 30-42
Published: 28 March 2020
Abstract PDF (635.1 KB) Collect

Longkou City is a coastal area, and lacks water resources. The overexploitation of groundwater causes seawater intrusion. At present, seawater intrudes an area of 68 km2. With the decrease of groundwater extraction, the seawater intrusion area has generally declined. The paper expounds the development process of seawater intrusion as well as the corresponding prevention and control measures of using groundwater replenishment and groundwater throttling in Longkou City. In view of the seawater intrusion problem in Longkou City, some adaptive management countermeasures are put forward, which include: Adjusting industrial and agricultural structure, promoting economic and social development to match water resources; improving water usage structure, optimizing the utilization of water resources; advancing the construction of a water-saving society, using water resources efficiently; implementing inter-basin water transfer, using water resources rationally; developing and utilizing unconventional water sources, making full use of water resources; strengthening water infrastructure construction, increasing the development and utilization potential of water resources; carrying out ecological restoration, protecting water resources and ecological environment; improving the management informationalization level, strengthening the capabilities of groundwater monitoring and management; increasing publicity, improving public awareness of participation.

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