Recognition of the hydrogeological potential using electrical sounding in the Khemisset-Tiflet region, Morocco
Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering 2020, 8 (2): 172-179
Published: 28 June 2020
Abstract PDF (5.6 MB) Collect

The low recharge of reservoirs and the increasing demand for water limit the potential of mobilized resources, especially in arid to semi-arid areas like Morocco. Integrated management is essential to safeguard this resource. In respect with this perspective, this work provides the analysis of hydrogeological potential of Khemisset-Tiflet region, which falls within the action area of the Sebou Hydraulic Basin Agency. The basis of our studies was as follows: (1) The interpretation of the existing geoelectric data; (2) application of geophysical methods for non-destructive reconnaissance and their integration into a Geographic Information System (GIS). The analysis demonstrates that: The map of the isohypses and the geoelectric cross-section of the substratum of the superficial roof aquifer show clearly a plunge associated with development of the Paleozoic roof in the South and the direction of flow of the surface water is from south to north, from the upper zone to the north of the El Kansera dam. These conclusions constitute very useful contribution for any resource management projects in this area.

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