Study on detecting spatial distribution availability in mine goafs by ultra-high density electrical method
Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering 2020, 8 (3): 281-286
Published: 28 September 2020
Abstract PDF (55.9 MB) Collect

The purpose of this research is to explore the spatial distribution and influence range of the mined-out area of a coal mine in Hebei Province, the advantages of ultra-high density resistivity method, such as large data volume, high efficiency and high precision, are brought into full play, the abnormal patterns of dislocation and partial drainage area of shallow continuous aquifer caused by subsidence zone are detected, and then the spatial distribution patterns of subsidence and fractures caused by deep mining subsidence zone are deduced, this method not only extends the exploration range of high-density resistivity method in mining subsidence disaster assessment, but also improves the accuracy of measurement, the distribution and influence range of mined-out area are revealed accurately, and good exploration results have been obtained in this project. How to select reasonable geophysical prospecting methods and give full play to the role of geophysical prospecting methods according to the geological characteristics of the study area, this exploration work is not only a good combination of geophysical prospecting methods and actual geological conditions, it also provides a valuable reference version for the exploration work under the same geological conditions.

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