Pharmaceuticals and personal care products transference-transformation in aquifer system
Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering 2020, 8 (4): 358-365
Published: 28 December 2020
Abstract PDF (424.1 KB) Collect

Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) are a new kind of contaminant widely existing in the surface water and groundwater environment. In recent years, PPCPs have been received widely attention from many researchers. The migration and transformation of PPCPs are mainly photolysis, biodegradation, adsorption and hydrolysis in aquifer environment. The influencing factors of PPCPs migration include PPCPs' own physical and chemical properties, types and contents of organic matter, pH, lithology, geotechnical structure and the thickness of vadose zone, etc. At present, the research of PPCPs in China is still in the primary stage, especially on the contaminant in aquifer system. Therefore, the research in this field needs to be further strengthened.

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