Cover Article Issue
Towards High-Performance Graph Processing: From a Hardware/Software Co-Design Perspective
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 2024, 39(2): 245-266
Published: 30 March 2024
Abstract Collect

Graph processing has been widely used in many scenarios, from scientific computing to artificial intelligence. Graph processing exhibits irregular computational parallelism and random memory accesses, unlike traditional workloads. Therefore, running graph processing workloads on conventional architectures (e.g., CPUs and GPUs) often shows a significantly low compute-memory ratio with few performance benefits, which can be, in many cases, even slower than a specialized single-thread graph algorithm. While domain-specific hardware designs are essential for graph processing, it is still challenging to transform the hardware capability to performance boost without coupled software codesigns. This article presents a graph processing ecosystem from hardware to software. We start by introducing a series of hardware accelerators as the foundation of this ecosystem. Subsequently, the codesigned parallel graph systems and their distributed techniques are presented to support graph applications. Finally, we introduce our efforts on novel graph applications and hardware architectures. Extensive results show that various graph applications can be efficiently accelerated in this graph processing ecosystem.

Regular Paper Issue
FDGLib: A Communication Library for Efficient Large-Scale Graph Processing in FPGA-Accelerated Data Centers
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 2021, 36(5): 1051-1070
Published: 30 September 2021
Abstract Collect

With the rapid growth of real-world graphs, the size of which can easily exceed the on-chip (board) storage capacity of an accelerator, processing large-scale graphs on a single Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) becomes difficult. The multi-FPGA acceleration is of great necessity and importance. Many cloud providers (e.g., Amazon, Microsoft, and Baidu) now expose FPGAs to users in their data centers, providing opportunities to accelerate large-scale graph processing. In this paper, we present a communication library, called FDGLib, which can easily scale out any existing single FPGA-based graph accelerator to a distributed version in a data center, with minimal hardware engineering efforts. FDGLib provides six APIs that can be easily used and integrated into any FPGA-based graph accelerator with only a few lines of code modifications. Considering the torus-based FPGA interconnection in data centers, FDGLib also improves communication efficiency using simple yet effective torus-friendly graph partition and placement schemes. We interface FDGLib into AccuGraph, a state-of-the-art graph accelerator. Our results on a 32-node Microsoft Catapult-like data center show that the distributed AccuGraph can be 2.32x and 4.77x faster than a state-of-the-art distributed FPGA-based graph accelerator ForeGraph and a distributed CPU-based graph system Gemini, with better scalability.

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