Analysis on the law of occurrence of shallow geothermal energy in Zhoukou City of Henan Province, China
Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering 2019, 7 (3): 282-287
Published: 28 September 2019
Abstract PDF (1.3 MB) Collect

In this paper, through data collection and field investigation, the development and utilization status of shallow geothermal energy in Zhoukou urban area was discussed. Based on the analysis of hydrogeological conditions, rock and soil structure characteristics and field test research, the spatial distribution characteristics of rock and soil in the study area were summarized. The study shows that Zhoukou City is located in the alluvial plain of Huanghuai, and the loose deposits of river alluvial genesis range 0-200 m. These loose deposits and groundwater stored in their pores are the main carriers of shallow geothermal energy. In the central part of the Yinghe River in the middle of the study area, the aquifer thickness is within 200 m, the particle size is coarser, the water-bearing degree and recharge capacity is better. On this basis, the paper uses AHP to evaluate the suitability of shallow geothermal energy development and utilization to guide the rational development and utilization of shallow geothermal energy resources.

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