Numerical analysis and evaluation of groundwater recession in a flood detention basin
Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering 2019, 7 (3): 253-263
Published: 28 September 2019
Abstract PDF (2.2 MB) Collect

This study analyzes the groundwater environment in the Yangzhuang flood detention basin in Henan Province, China. A numerical model of groundwater flow is established based on the hydrogeological conditions in the basin and changes of groundwater level in the flood detention basin under flood detention and recession conditions. The results show that during flood diversion and storage, the groundwater level in the basin rises, mainly in four flood detention zones, with a maximum rise of 1.0 m. After the floodwater recedes, the groundwater level slowly drops in the detention basin along with flood discharge, finally returning to its original level fifty days later. This study indicates that groundwater recession in the flood detention basin is a slow process, where the rise of groundwater level may cause environmental problems such as soil swamping.

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