Regular Paper Issue
Neural Explainable Recommender Model Based on Attributes and Reviews
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 2020, 35 (6): 1446-1460
Published: 30 November 2020
Abstract Collect

Explainable recommendation, which can provide reasonable explanations for recommendations, is increasingly important in many fields. Although traditional embedding-based models can learn many implicit features, resulting in good performance, they cannot provide the reason for their recommendations. Existing explainable recommender methods can be mainly divided into two types. The first type models highlight reviews written by users to provide an explanation. For the second type, attribute information is taken into consideration. These approaches only consider one aspect and do not make the best use of the existing information. In this paper, we propose a novel neural explainable recommender model based on attributes and reviews (NERAR) for recommendation that combines the processing of attribute features and review features. We employ a tree-based model to extract and learn attribute features from auxiliary information, and then we use a time-aware gated recurrent unit (T-GRU) to model user review features and process item review features based on a convolutional neural network (CNN). Extensive experiments on Amazon datasets demonstrate that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art recommendation models in accuracy of recommendations. The presented examples also show that our model can offer more reasonable explanations. Crowd-sourcing based evaluations are conducted to verify our model’s superiority in explainability.

Regular Paper Issue
Stochastic Variational Inference-Based Parallel and Online Supervised Topic Model for Large-Scale Text Processing
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 2018, 33 (5): 1007-1022
Published: 12 September 2018
Abstract Collect

Topic modeling is a mainstream and effective technology to deal with text data, with wide applications in text analysis, natural language, personalized recommendation, computer vision, etc. Among all the known topic models, supervised Latent Dirichlet Allocation (sLDA) is acknowledged as a popular and competitive supervised topic model. However, the gradual increase of the scale of datasets makes sLDA more and more inefficient and time-consuming, and limits its applications in a very narrow range. To solve it, a parallel online sLDA, named PO-sLDA (Parallel and Online sLDA), is proposed in this study. It uses the stochastic variational inference as the learning method to make the training procedure more rapid and efficient, and a parallel computing mechanism implemented via the MapReduce framework is proposed to promote the capacity of cloud computing and big data processing. The online training capacity supported by PO-sLDA expands the application scope of this approach, making it instrumental for real-life applications with high real-time demand. The validation using two datasets with different sizes shows that the proposed approach has the comparative accuracy as the sLDA and can efficiently accelerate the training procedure. Moreover, its good convergence and online training capacity make it lucrative for the large-scale text data analyzing and processing.

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