The drainage of the aquitard and its implication for groundwater exploitation in Hengshui City
Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering 2018, 6 (2): 84-91
Published: 28 June 2018
Abstract PDF (327.2 KB) Collect

The deformation and the drainage of the aquitard is the main concern in the North China Plain (NCP), and the water released from aquitard compaction may be a large portion of the exploited groundwater. The skeletal specific storage of aquitard is the element parameter to the drainage of aquitard, and the undisturbed core samples are the best choice for the measurement of the physical parameters. In this study, the consolidation test was employed to analyze the skeleton specific storage of the clay sample drilled from Hengshui City, and the contribution from the drainage of aquitard to the groundwater exploitation. The results suggest the consolidation test can be utilized to understand the skeletal specific storage of aquitard, which is about 3.92×10-4 m-1 in the Hengshui. The water-saturation content of the aquitard was less than 100%, and the amount of the drainage of the aquitard was about 69% of the volume of land subsidence. The water released from aquitard compaction was about 35% of the groundwater exploitation to the deep aquifers.

Risk Assessment on Organic Contamination of Shallow Groundwater of an Oilfield in Northeast China
Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering 2013, 1 (3): 75-82
Published: 28 December 2013
Abstract PDF (808.7 KB) Collect

With the oil contaminated site of an oil field in northeast as the research area, based on the site geological and hydrogeological conditions, and by virtue of the methods of assessment on current situation of organic contamination and environmental impact assessment as well as leaching mobility assessment on organics, the internal and external risk assessments on organic contamination of shallow groundwater in the research area are conducted respectively. According to the results, about 30 kinds of organic components, including chlorinated hydrocarbons, mononuclear aromatics, heteroaromatic compound, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and n-alkanes, are detected in the shallow groundwater in the research area. The current situation contamination of dichloromethane is the most serious, and all well points are of contamination at medium or above level. Compared with dichloromethane, contamination of trichloromethane and benzene is lighter, but several seriously contaminated well points occur in these two groups. The leaching mobility of dichloromethane, trichloromethane and benzene is extremely high, posing the greatest contamination risks against groundwater.

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