Original Article Issue
Stability of Valuations: Higher Rational Rank
Peking Mathematical Journal 2018, 1 (1): 1-79
Published: 24 October 2018
Abstract Collect

Given a klt singularity x(X,D), we show that a quasi-monomial valuation v with a finitely generated associated graded ring is a minimizer of the normalized volume function vol^(X,D),x, if and only if v induces a degeneration to a K-semistable log Fano cone singularity. Moreover, such a minimizer is unique among all quasi-monomial valuations up to rescaling. As a consequence, we prove that for a klt singularity xX on the Gromov–Hausdorff limit of Kähler–Einstein Fano manifolds, the intermediate K-semistable cone associated with its metric tangent cone is uniquely determined by the algebraic structure of xX, hence confirming a conjecture by Donaldson–Sun.

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