Original Article Issue
Quantitative Estimates on the Singular Sets of Alexandrov Spaces
Peking Mathematical Journal 2020, 3 (2): 203-234
Published: 05 October 2020
Abstract Collect

Let XAlexn(1) be an n-dimensional Alexandrov space with curvature 1. Let the r-scale (k,ϵ)-singular set Sϵ,rk(X) be the collection of xX so that Br(x) is not ϵr-close to a ball in any splitting space Rk+1×Z. We show that there exists C(n,ϵ)>0 and β(n,ϵ)>0, independent of the volume, so that for any disjoint collection {Bri(xi):xiSϵ,βrik(X)B1,ri1}, the packing estimate rikC holds. Consequently, we obtain the Hausdorff measure estimates Hk(Sϵk(X)B1)C and Hn(Br(Sϵ,rk(X))B1(p))Crnk. This answers an open question in Kapovitch et al. (Metric-measure boundary and geodesic flow on Alexandrov spaces. arXiv: 1705.04767 (2017)). We also show that the k-singular set Sk(X)=ϵ>0(r>0Sϵ,rk) is k-rectifiable and construct examples to show that such a structure is sharp. For instance, in the k=1 case we can build for any closed set TS1 and ϵ>0 a space YAlex3(0) with Sϵ1(Y)=ϕ(T), where ϕ:S1Y is a bi-Lipschitz embedding. Taking T to be a Cantor set it gives rise to an example where the singular set is a 1-rectifiable, 1-Cantor set with positive 1-Hausdorff measure.

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