Open Access Invited Review Issue
Multi-phase separation in mitochondrial nucleoids and eukaryotic nuclei
Biophysics Reports 2023, 9 (3): 113-119
Published: 27 March 2023
Abstract PDF (4 MB) Collect

In mammalian cells, besides nuclei, mitochondria are the only semi-autonomous organelles possessing own DNA organized in the form of nucleoids. While eukaryotic nuclear DNA compaction, chromatin compartmentalization and transcription are regulated by phase separation, our recent work proposed a model of mitochondrial nucleoid self-assembly and transcriptional regulation by multi-phase separation. Herein, we summarized the phase separation both in the nucleus and mitochondrial nucleoids, and did a comparison of the organization and activity regulating, which would provide new insight into the understanding of both architecture and genetics of nucleus and mitochondrial nucleoids.

Open Access Review Issue
Choosing proper fluorescent dyes, proteins, and imaging techniques to study mitochondrial dynamics in mammalian cells
Biophysics Reports 2017, 3 (4-6): 64-72
Published: 24 March 2017
Abstract PDF (458.3 KB) Collect

Mitochondrial dynamics refers to the processes maintaining mitochondrial homeostasis, including mitochondrial fission, fusion, transport, biogenesis, and mitophagy. Mitochondrial dynamics is essential for maintaining the metabolic function of mitochondria as well as their regulatory roles in cell signaling. In this review, we summarize the recently developed imaging techniques for studying mitochondrial dynamics including: mitochondrial-targeted fluorescent proteins and dyes, live-cell imaging using photoactivation, photoswitching and cell fusion, mitochondrial transcription and replication imaging by in situ hybridization, and imaging mitochondrial dynamics by super-resolution microscopy. Moreover, we discuss examples of how to choose and combine proper fluorescent dyes and/or proteins.

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