International Association of Hydrogeologists and China
Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering 2017, 5 (3): 303-310
Published: 28 September 2017
Abstract PDF (1.2 MB) Collect

Before 1985, there were a few Chinese participators for International Association of Hydrogeologists which founded in 1956. The Chinese team composed of senior hydrogeologists attended the 17th and 18th IAH congress in 1985. More and more Chinese delegates were present at the conferences since then. The IAH National Chapter of China was first established in 1987 and organized related activities continuously since that time. The IAH members in P.R. China increased in these years. IAH congresses have been hold in China twice. The 21th congress was held in Guilin City in October, 1988. The 34th congress was held in Beijing in October, 2006. The IAH China Chapter serves for all IAH members and other scientists promoting groundwater sciences in China. There were a lot of national conferences on Hydrogeology and Groundwater sciences held almost every year since 1987. Those national conferences associate with Commission on Hydrogeology, Geology Society of China in operation. Many Chinese IAH members were the editors and responsible for the Chinese translation for the abstract of Hydrogeology Journal. The Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering is an international journal for the natural sciences. The sponsors are IAH China chapter, Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, CAGS.

Asian Transboundary Aquifers Inventory and Mapping
Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering 2013, 1 (3): 1-9
Published: 28 December 2013
Abstract PDF (538.3 KB) Collect

Transboundary aquifer (TBA) is an aquifer system that exists in more than one state. As an important component of the groundwater system, proper management and rational utilization in trans-boundary aquifers are significantly important for promoting sustainable development and good-neighbor relationships. The Transboundary Aquifers will not implicate by the country’s political boundary as it follows the natural boundary lines. Within the frame work of the UNESCO's International Hydrological Programme (IHP-Ⅵ & Ⅶ) activities for the International Shared Aquifer Resource Management (ISARM), the inventory on TBA in Asia both preliminary and detail has accomplished. Those TBAs are classified in to two types: regional and local grade. A of Asian Transboundary Aquifers Map has advanced. The updated map provides the situation of the regional TBAs identify as the actual shape. Countries with the TBAs should strengthen cooperation for coordination and joint management of groundwater resources in order to achieve sustainable use.

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