Research Article Issue
Analysis of two-phase flow in the porous medium through a rectangular curved duct
Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow 2024, 6(1): 67-83
Published: 25 November 2023
Abstract Collect

The current work is primarily concerned with the analysis of an unsteady incompressible laminar two-phase flow in a porous medium through a rectangular curved duct. The Navier–Stokes equations and the level set equation with boundary conditions represent the corresponding governing equations. Fluid flow through curved rectangular ducts is influenced by the centrifugal action arising from duct curvature and has a unique behavior different from fluid flow through straight ducts. Centrifugal force-induced secondary flow vortices produce spiraling fluid motion within curved ducts. This paper shows the vector plot of the field flow, velocity contours, and fluid volume fractions graphically. The effect of curvature, Dean number, aspect ratio, porosity, and particle concentration on each fluid domain is also displayed. A comparison of the two-phase flow between different fluids is also shown. The results reveal that the unstable behavior of the flow is reduced with increased values of curvature, Dean number, and high viscosity flow.

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