Research Article Issue
Multifunctional electroactive bio-adhesive for robustly-integrated wound therapy and postoperative wound-status warning and assessment
Nano Research 2024, 17 (5): 4359-4370
Published: 24 January 2024
Abstract PDF (26.8 MB) Collect

Wound abnormalities such as secondary wound laceration and inflammation are common postoperative health hazards during clinical procedures. The continuous treatment, healing induction, and real-time visualization of wound status and complications, including wound re-tearing, inflammation, and morphology, are key focal points for comprehensive healthcare. Herein, an on-demand quadruple energy dissipative strategy was proposed for the nanoengineering of a physically and chemically synergistic double-layer gelatin-based bio-adhesive (DLGel) by combining a multi-network adhesive layer and a versatile electroactive energy dissipative layer based on contrivable interlocking micro-pillar arrays and crosslinked polymer chains. The subtly multiple energy dissipation designs enable DLGel with robust adhesive strength to omnipotently wet and dynamic tissue, providing a basis for reliable wound closure. DLGel achieves comprehensive wound-healing induction through electrical stimulation and possesses reversible underwater light/thermal adhesion, excellent hemostatic performance, outstanding antimicrobial properties, and self-repair capability. Furthermore, a novel deep-learning strategy is creatively established to respond to mechanical deformation due to wound anomalies. This strategy translates biological information into visual graphics, providing real-time early warning and assessment of postoperative wound-abnormality/-morphology, such as laceration, inflammation, and necrosis. Therefore, DLGel and its associated signal collection and processing protocol enable the integration of reliable wound closure, wound healing, and real-time postoperative wound-status warning and assessment within the unobservable and undetectable “black box” regions in a context of non-clinical comprehensive therapy.

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