Deep learning-based method for rock discontinuity recognition in complex stratum borehole images
Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology) 2024, 64 (7): 1136-1146
Published: 15 July 2024
Abstract PDF (14.4 MB) Collect

Discontinuities are vital components of rock mass, significantly affecting its strength, deformation, and seepage characteristics. They provide essential parameters for rock mass classification and engineering design. Borehole television technology is a widely used method for capturing these discontinuities within the rock mass, offering high-resolution in situ images. However, in complex strata, the discontinuities appear in various morphologies with significant width differences. Coupled with the rapid texture changes on rock wall faces, these discontinuities create a highly uneven contrast, making it challenging for traditional algorithms to recognize them accurately. To address this challenge, this study introduces an improved deep learning network model specifically designed for borehole images of complex strata.


The proposed model, based on the U-Net architecture, incorporates a deeper encoding-decoding network structure. This structure effectively handles semantic information related to discontinuity breaks caused by uneven contrast. The model integrates channel attention mechanisms and residual modules, enhancing feature extraction capabilities at different levels in the encoding stage. In addition, the channel attention mechanism fuses multichannel discontinuity information from both encoding and decoding layers. A multiscale spatial attention module introduced in the lower-level skip connection improves the ability to process complex morphological discontinuities and enriches the semantic features of discontinuities in the coding layer. In this study, the borehole image data are augmented in various ways, such as using perspective deformation similar to the stratum deformation under geological action. This study also employs joint training with focal loss and Dice loss to handle imbalanced image data. The generalization ability of the network model is thoroughly validated through ablation studies and comparative experiments using the same borehole image as the training set and neighboring borehole images as the test set. For comprehensive quantitative evaluation, this study uses several metrics, including precision, recall, F1-Score, and F2-Score.


Our experimental evaluation, conducted on a self-made borehole image dataset, indicated that compared to several common image segmentation network models, our proposed model significantly improved the recognition capability of rock discontinuities in borehole images from complex strata while ensuring faster computational efficiency. The precision and recall on the test set for the proposed model reached 78.23% and 77.85%, respectively. This marked an improvement in segmentation performance by 7.96% and 14.99%, respectively, compared with the basic U-Net model. Both the F1-Score and F2-Score were close to 78%. Although the model size was 18.13 MB and had approximately twice the parameters of the base U-Net, the deeper network hierarchy reduced the number of channels of shallow high-resolution feature maps, resulting in a reduction in computational load. The model achieved an FPS of 85, which was slightly higher than that of the basic U-Net model.


This study meticulously improves upon the basic U-Net model by strategically incorporating the attention mechanism, residual connections, and multiscale convolutions. The improved model exhibits high accuracy and robustness. It effectively confronts the challenges associated with balancing detailed features and high-level semantics owing to significant width differences in discontinuities within complex strata. Furthermore, it addresses issues related to incomplete extraction of discontinuities caused by uneven contrast between discontinuities and rock wall surfaces. As such, this improved model provides strong technical support for the automatic identification of rock discontinuities in on-site borehole investigations.

Open Access Issue
Strain field evolution and ultrasonic time-lapse attenuation characteristics of fractured sandstone
Rock and Soil Mechanics 2024, 45 (5): 1284-1296
Published: 09 May 2024
Abstract PDF (773.9 KB) Collect

Identification of microcrack initiation, propagation and coalescence patterns is fundamental to the study of the development and evolution process of rock mass disasters. In order to explore the development process and mechanism of microcrack in fractured rock, the active ultrasonic measurement and digital image correlation technology (DIC) were used to simultaneously monitor the damage and fracture process of sandstone containing prefabricated fissure under uniaxial compression, and the surface strain field evolution and ultrasonic attenuation characteristics were analyzed. The results show that the local tensile stress concentration at the tip of the prefabricated fissure with a small inclination angle is conducive to earlier crack initiation. As the fissure inclination angle increases, the specimen containing prefabricated fissure changes from a relatively stable progressive rupture to a sudden failure, and its brittleness characteristics become more obvious. The surface strain field can track the initiation and propagation of crack in real time. The attenuation of P-wave velocity, amplitude spectrum and ultrasonic amplitude is closely related to the development of microcracks and the formation of macrocracks. The obvious attenuation of dominant frequency of ultrasonic waves can be regarded as direct evidence for the formation of macrocracks. The differences in P-wave velocity and amplitude attenuation in different ray paths are the results of anisotropy in the accumulation of damage induced by axial stress and prefabricated fissure. In addition, the improved spectral ratio method was used to analyze the time-lapse characteristics of ultrasonic attenuation, and it was found that the ultrasonic attenuation is more sensitive to the development of microcracks in rock media than P-wave velocity does. Further comparison found that the sensitivity of ultrasonic amplitude, surface strain, and P-wave velocity to rock damage identification decreased in order. The results of this study demonstrate that the active ultrasonic attenuation and DIC surface strain simultaneous monitoring are powerful tools for identifying and quantifying precursor information of rock damage and crack propagation.

Open Access Issue
P-wave velocity tomography and acoustic emission characteristics of sandstone under uniaxial compression
Rock and Soil Mechanics 2023, 44 (2): 483-496
Published: 23 February 2023
Abstract PDF (730 KB) Collect

Pillar burst is one of the most frequent dynamic disasters in deep mining, which poses a serious threat to safe and efficient mining. In this study, the failure mechanisms and precursors of pillar burst are investigated by active ultrasonic survey and passive acoustic emission (AE) monitoring in uniaxial compression tests on Zigong red sandstone. Combining active and passive AE monitoring data, a P-wave velocity tomography inversion is performed to analyse the temporal and spatial variations of P-wave velocity structure during the sample failure. Results show that the velocity structure of the sandstone sample is highly heterogeneous during loading, and a low-velocity zone emerges, within which most of the acoustic emission events are present. The dispersion of P-wave velocity reflects the global variations of P-wave velocity. It changes drastically during the peak stage, and increases with the ongoing loading. The AE events differ significantly between the pre-peak and post-peak stages. In the pre-peak stage, AE events are randomly distributed in the sample, while in the post-peak stage, clustered AE events are identified. In addition, it is found that using the homogeneous velocity structure for AE events location results in a higher positioning error. The decreasing b value before the eventual failure of the sample indicates that large-scale crack activities are intensified, leading to the increase of sample heterogeneity, which also proves the necessity of applying the heterogeneous velocity structure for AE events location. The research results can be further used for on-site pillar stability monitoring, and the periodic P-wave velocity tomography provides precursors for pillar bursts.

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