Review Article Online First
Synthesis and modification of nanowires anchored on electrodes for electrochemical and electrophysical applications
Nano Research
Published: 16 July 2024
Abstract PDF (5.5 MB) Collect

The integration of nanowires onto electrode surfaces marks a significant advancement over traditional electrode materials, conferring upon nanowire-modified electrodes a vast array of applications within electrochemical and electrophysical domains. The nanowires used for electrode modification can be catalogized into two distinct types: anchored nanowires and free-standing nanowires. A critical advantage of anchored nanowires lies in their enhanced electrical connectivity with the substrate, which reduces electrode resistance and facilitates charge transport. Furthermore, the anchorage of nanowires onto electrodes provides additional mechanical support, bolstering the structural stability of the nanowire assembly. Here, we review the development of anchored nanowires designed for applications in energy storage, electrocatalysis, and electric field treatment (EFT) over the past decade. We focus on the synthesis and modification strategies employed for anchored nanowires, culminating in the evaluation of these fabrication and enhancement techniques. Through this analysis, we aim to furnish comprehensive insights into the preparation of anchored nanowires, guiding the selection of appropriate fabrication processes and subsequent functional modifications.

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