Open Access Original Article Issue
Tppp3+ synovial/tendon sheath progenitor cells contribute to heterotopic bone after trauma
Bone Research 2023, 11: 39
Published: 21 July 2023
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Heterotopic ossification (HO) is a pathological process resulting in aberrant bone formation and often involves synovial lined tissues. During this process, mesenchymal progenitor cells undergo endochondral ossification. Nonetheless, the specific cell phenotypes and mechanisms driving this process are not well understood, in part due to the high degree of heterogeneity of the progenitor cells involved. Here, using a combination of lineage tracing and single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq), we investigated the extent to which synovial/tendon sheath progenitor cells contribute to heterotopic bone formation. For this purpose, Tppp3 (tubulin polymerization-promoting protein family member 3)-inducible reporter mice were used in combination with either Scx (Scleraxis) or Pdgfra (platelet derived growth factor receptor alpha) reporter mice. Both tendon injury- and arthroplasty-induced mouse experimental HO models were utilized. ScRNA-seq of tendon-associated traumatic HO suggested that Tppp3 is an early progenitor cell marker for either tendon or osteochondral cells. Upon HO induction, Tppp3 reporter+ cells expanded in number and partially contributed to cartilage and bone formation in either tendon- or joint-associated HO. In double reporter animals, both Pdgfra+Tppp3+ and Pdgfra+Tppp3- progenitor cells gave rise to HO-associated cartilage. Finally, analysis of human samples showed a substantial population of TPPP3-expressing cells overlapping with osteogenic markers in areas of heterotopic bone. Overall, these data demonstrate that synovial/tendon sheath progenitor cells undergo aberrant osteochondral differentiation and contribute to HO after trauma.

Open Access Original Article Issue
Neuron-to-vessel signaling is a required feature of aberrant stem cell commitment after soft tissue trauma
Bone Research 2022, 10: 43
Published: 01 June 2022
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The functional interdependence of nerves and blood vessels is a well-established concept during tissue morphogenesis, yet the role of neurovascular coupling in proper and aberrant tissue repair is an emerging field of interest. Here, we sought to define the regulatory relationship of peripheral nerves on vasculature in a severe extremity trauma model in mice, which results in aberrant cell fate and heterotopic ossification (HO). First, a high spatial degree of neurovascular congruency was observed to exist within extremity injury associated heterotopic ossification. Vascular and perivascular cells demonstrate characteristic responses to injury, as assessed by single cell RNA sequencing. This vascular response to injury was blunted in neurectomized mice, including a decrease in endothelial proliferation and type H vessel formation, and a downregulation of key transcriptional networks associated with angiogenesis. Independent mechanisms to chemically or genetically inhibit axonal ingrowth led to similar deficits in HO site angiogenesis, a reduction in type H vessels, and heterotopic bone formation. Finally, a combination of single cell transcriptomic approaches within the dorsal root ganglia identified key neural-derived angiogenic paracrine factors that may mediate neuron-to-vascular signaling in HO. These data provide further understanding of nerve-to-vessel crosstalk in traumatized soft tissues, which may reflect a key determinant of mesenchymal progenitor cell fate after injury.

Open Access Original Article Issue
PDGFRα reporter activity identifies periosteal progenitor cells critical for bone formation and fracture repair
Bone Research 2022, 10: 7
Published: 25 January 2022
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The outer coverings of the skeleton, which is also known as the periosteum, are arranged in concentric layers and act as a reservoir for tissue-specific bone progenitors. The cellular heterogeneity within this tissue depot is being increasingly recognized. Here, inducible PDGFRα reporter animals were found to mark a population of cells within the periosteum that act as a stem cell reservoir for periosteal appositional bone formation and fracture repair. During these processes, PDGFRα reporter+ progenitors give rise to Nestin+ periosteal cells before becoming osteoblasts and osteocytes. The diphtheria toxin-mediated ablation of PDGFRα reporter+ cells led to deficits in cortical bone formation during homeostasis and a diminutive hard callus during fracture repair. After ossicle transplantation, both mouse PDGFRα reporter+ periosteal cells and human Pdgfrα+ periosteal progenitors expand, ossify, and recruit marrow to a greater extent than their counterpart periosteal cells, whereas PDGFRα reporter periosteal cells exhibit a predisposition to chondrogenesis in vitro. Total RNA sequencing identified enrichment of the secreted factors Fermt3 and Ptpn6 within PDGFRα reporter+ periosteal cells, which partly underlie the osteoblastogenic features of this cell population.

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