Open Access Research Article Just Accepted
Modeling and analysis for surface texturing on soft sliders in mixed lubrication
Available online: 18 June 2024
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Experiments have shown that surface texturing can enhance the tribological properties of bearings and seals made of soft materials like polymers. But its mechanisms are still not fully understood and lack theoretical research. In this study, a mixed elastohydrodynamic model is specifically developed to explore the tribological behaviors of the textured soft sliders. This model couples the flow, cavitation, deformation, and contact equations, considering both normal and shear stress effects with the fast Fourier transform method. The local deformation, contact and hydrodynamic pressure distributions of the soft surfaces with multi dimples are obtained, and a parametric study for the circular, triangular and partial texturings is conducted. It is found that the local deformations in different dimples may have a synergistic effect to provide an extra hydrodynamic load support, termed “barrel-like equivalent surface effect”. Textures concentrate the contact pressure at dimple edges, but may reduce the average contact pressure.

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