Open Access Just Accepted
Role Identification based Method for Cyberbullying Analysis in Social Edge Computing
Tsinghua Science and Technology
Available online: 23 July 2024
Abstract PDF (1 MB) Collect

Over the past few years, many efforts have been dedicated to studying cyberbullying in social edge computing devices, and most of them focus on three roles: victims, perpetrators, and bystanders. If we want to obtain a deep insight into the formation, evolution, and intervention of cyberbullying in devices at the edge of the Internet, it is necessary to explore more fine-grained roles. This paper presents a multi-level method for role feature modeling and proposes a differential evolution-assisted K-means (DEK) method to identify diverse roles. Our work aims to provide a role identification scheme for cyberbullying scenarios for social edge computing environments to alleviate the general safety issues that cyberbullying brings. The experiments on ten real-world datasets obtained from Weibo and five public datasets show that the proposed DEK outperforms the existing approaches on the method level. After clustering, we obtained nine roles and analyzed the characteristics of each role and their evolution trends under different cyberbullying scenarios. Our work in this paper can be placed in devices at the edge of the Internet, leading to better real-time identification performance and adapting to the broad geographic location and high mobility of mobile devices.

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