Open Access Issue
Study on Deicing Salt Corrosion Mechanism and Protective Materials of Highway Roadside Concrete Structures
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development (English Edition) 2024, 18 (1): 63-72
Published: 30 March 2024
Abstract PDF (6.4 MB) Collect

This study focuses on understanding the deicing salt corrosion mechanism affecting highway roadside concrete structures and identifying appropriate protective measures. Initially, the mechanism of salt corrosion on roadside concrete is elucidated through thorough research and investigation. Subsequently, the effectiveness of protective materials such as acrylic, polyurethane, and epoxy coatings in mitigating salt corrosion in concrete is assessed by simulating salt corrosion conditions on the concrete surface. Optimizing the material formula based on the tests more effectively mitigates the corrosion effect. Results indicate that salt corrosion primarily results from the permeation of salts into concrete, triggering physiochemical corrosion. It is observed that all three types of protective materials significantly decelerate concrete corrosion caused by salt, demonstrating effective anti-corrosion properties. Among these, the optimized formulation of polyurethane coating 'C ' demonstrates superior permeability and resistance to chemical corrosion. It effectively prevents the ingress of salt into the concrete, thereby reducing the occurrence of salt corrosion in concrete. The low cost of these measures indicates their suitability for widespread implementation.

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