Open Access Issue
Converse Attention Knowledge Transfer for Low-Resource Named Entity Recognition
International Journal of Crowd Science 2024, 8 (3): 140-148
Published: 19 August 2024
Abstract PDF (663.4 KB) Collect

In recent years, great success has been achieved in many tasks of natural language processing (NLP), e.g., named entity recognition (NER), especially in the high-resource language, i.e., English, thanks in part to the considerable amount of labeled resources. More labeled resources, better word representations. However, most low-resource languages do not have such an abundance of labeled data as high-resource English, leading to poor performance of NER in these low-resource languages due to poor word representations. In the paper, we propose converse attention network (CAN) to augment word representations in low-resource languages from the high-resource language, improving the performance of NER in low-resource languages by transferring knowledge learned in the high-resource language. CAN first translates sentences in low-resource languages into high-resource English using an attention-based translation module. In the process of translation, CAN obtains the attention matrices that align word representations of high-resource language space and low-resource language space. Furthermore, CAN augments word representations learned in low-resource language space with word representations learned in high-resource language space using the attention matrices. Experiments on four low-resource NER datasets show that CAN achieves consistent and significant performance improvements, which indicates the effectiveness of CAN.

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