Open Access Issue
Improved AVOA based on LSSVM for wind power prediction
Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation 2024, 15(3): 344-359
Published: 30 September 2024
Abstract PDF (3.7 MB) Collect

Improving the prediction accuracy of wind power is an effective means to reduce the impact of wind power on power grid. Therefore, we proposed an improved African vulture optimization algorithm(AVOA)to realize the prediction model of multi-objective optimization least squares support vector machine(LSSVM). Firstly, original wind power time series was decomposed into a certain number of intrinsic modal components(IMFs) using variational modal decomposition(VMD). Secondly, random numbers in population initialization were replaced by Tent chaotic mapping, multi-objective LSSVM optimization was introduced by AVOA improved by elitist non-dominated sorting and crowding operator, and then each component was predicted. Finally, Tent multi-objective AVOA-LSSVM(TMOALSSVM) method was used to sum each component to obtain the final prediction result. The simulation results show that the improved AVOA based on Tent chaotic mapping, the improved non-dominated sorting algorithm with elite strategy, and the improved crowding operator are the optimal models for single-objective and multi-objective prediction. Among them, TMOALSSVM model has the smallest average error of stroke power values in four seasons, which are 0.0694, 0.0545 and 0.0211, respectively. The average value of DS statistics in the four seasons is 0.9902, and the statistical value is the largest. The proposed model effectively predicts four seasons of wind power values on lateral and longitudinal precision, and faster and more accurately finds the optimal solution on the current solution space sets, which proves that the method has a certain scientific significance in the development of wind power prediction technology.

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