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Predicting Students’ Final Performance Using Artificial Neural Networks

Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, Moulay Ismail University, Errachidia 52000, Morocco
IMAGE Laboratory, Moulay Ismail University, Meknes 50000, Morocco
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is based on algorithms that allow machines to make decisions for humans. This technology enhances the users’ experience in various ways. Several studies have been conducted in the field of education to solve the problem of student orientation and performance using various Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. The main goal of this article is to predict Moroccan students’ performance in the region of Guelmim Oued Noun using an intelligent system based on neural networks, one of the best data mining techniques that provided us with the best results.


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Big Data Mining and Analytics
Pages 294-301
Cite this article:
Ahajjam T, Moutaib M, Aissa H, et al. Predicting Students’ Final Performance Using Artificial Neural Networks. Big Data Mining and Analytics, 2022, 5(4): 294-301.








Web of Science






Received: 25 November 2021
Accepted: 28 December 2021
Published: 18 July 2022
© The author(s) 2022.

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