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Research Article | Open Access

Band and defect engineering in solution-processed nanocrystal building blocks to promote transport properties in nanomaterials: The case of thermoelectric Cu3SbSe4

Shanshan Xiao1Mingjun Zhao1Mingquan Li1Shanhong Wan1Aziz Genç2Lulu Huang3Lei Chen4Yu Zhang5Maria Ibáñez6Khak Ho Lim7,8 ( )Min Hong4( )Yu Liu1 ( )Andreu Cabot9,10 ( )
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
Cardiff Catalysis Institute, School of Chemistry, Cardiff University, Cardiff CF10 3AT, UK
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
Centre for Future Materials and School of Engineering, University of Southern Queensland, Springfield Central, Queensland 4300, Australia
Institute of Wenzhou-Zhejiang University, Wenzhou 325028, China
Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA), Am Campus 1, Klosterneuburg 3400, Austria
College of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310007, China
Institute of Zhejiang University-Quzhou, Quzhou 324000, China
Catalonia Institute for Energy Research-IREC, Sant Adrià de Besòs, Barcelona 08930, Spain
Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA), Pg. Lluís Companys 23, Barcelona, Catalonia 08010, Spain
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Graphical Abstract

The enhancement of thermoelectric performance in Cu3SbSe4 is achieved through three distinct strategies, with findings highlighting that surface treatment using SnSe molecular complexes significantly optimizes transport properties via band and defect engineering. This research underscores the superior efficacy of surface engineering, offering a promising and cost-effective approach for improving thermoelectric properties.


The development of cost-effective and high-performance thermoelectric (TE) materials faces significant challenges, particularly in improving the properties of promising copper-based TE materials such as Cu3SbSe4, which are limited by their poor electrical conductivity. This study presents a detailed comparative analysis of three strategies to promote the electrical transport properties of Cu3SbSe4 through Sn doping: conventional Sn atomic doping, surface treatment with SnSe molecular complexes, and blending with SnSe nanocrystals to form nanocomposites, all followed by annealing and hot pressing under identical conditions. Our results reveal that a surface treatment using SnSe molecular complexes significantly enhances TE performance over atomic doping and nanocomposite formation, achieving a power factor of 1.1 mW·m−1·K−2 and a maximum dimensionless figure of merit zT value of 0.80 at 640 K, representing an excellent performance among Cu3SbSe4-based materials produced via solution-processing methods. This work highlights the effectiveness of surface engineering in optimizing the transport properties of nanostructured materials, demonstrating the versatility and cost-efficiency of solution-based technologies in the development of advanced nanostructured materials for application in the field of TE among others.

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Nano Research
Article number: 94907072
Cite this article:
Xiao S, Zhao M, Li M, et al. Band and defect engineering in solution-processed nanocrystal building blocks to promote transport properties in nanomaterials: The case of thermoelectric Cu3SbSe4. Nano Research, 2025, 18(1): 94907072.








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Received: 02 September 2024
Revised: 29 September 2024
Accepted: 11 October 2024
Published: 25 December 2024
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