Mycology Open Access Editors-in-Chief: Prof. Xingzhong Liu, Prof. Lei Cai
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Keyword: response surface methodology
Review | Open Access
Fomitopsis meliae CFA 2, a novel brown rot for endoglucanase: emphasis towards enhanced endoglucanase production by statistical approach
Published: 30 April 2021
2021, 12 (4): 325-340
Original Article | Open Access
Statistical optimisation of process variables and large-scale production of Metarhizium rileyi (Ascomycetes: Hypocreales) microsclerotia in submerged fermentation
Published: 13 January 2017
2017, 8 (1): 39-47
Original Article | Open Access
Experimental design of response surface methodology used for utilisation of palm kernel cake as solid substrate for optimised production of fungal mannanase
Published: 12 September 2016
2016, 7 (3): 143-153
Total 3