Building Simulation Hybrid Editor-in-Chief: Da Yan
Keyword: particles
Research Article
A simple method for differentiating direct and indirect exposure to exhaled contaminants in mechanically ventilated rooms
Published: 17 March 2018
2018, 11 (5): 1039-1051
Research Article
The effect of ventilation on soiling by particles of outdoor and indoor origin in historical churches
Published: 23 November 2016
2017, 10 (3): 383-393
Research Article
Evaluation of an innovative pediatric isolation (PI) bed using fluid dynamics simulation and aerosol isolation efficacy
Published: 04 March 2021
2021, 14 (5): 1543-1552
Research Article
Numerical study of the effects of trees on outdoor particle concentration distributions
Published: 05 April 2013
2014, 7 (4): 417-427
Total 4