Journal of Materiomics Open Access Editors-in-Chief: Jing-Feng Li, Samuel S. Mao, Cewen Nan
Keyword: energy storage properties
Research paper | Open Access
Enhanced energy-storage performance in BNT-based lead-free dielectric ceramics via introducing SrTi0.875Nb0.1O3
Published: 07 January 2022
2022, 8 (3): 537-544
Research Article | Open Access
Enhanced energy storage properties and good stability of novel (1–x)Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3xCa(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 relaxor ferroelectric ceramics prepared by chemical modification
Published: 12 October 2023
2024, 10 (4): 770-782
Research Article | Open Access
Excellent thermal stability and high energy storage performances of BNT-based ceramics via phase-structure engineering
Published: 14 April 2023
2023, 9 (6): 1015-1023
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