Mycology Open Access Editors-in-Chief: Prof. Xingzhong Liu, Prof. Lei Cai
Home Mycology Keyword
Keyword: antibacterial
Review | Open Access
Antimicrobial properties of Fomitopsis officinalis in the light of its bioactive metabolites: a review
Published: 25 October 2018
2019, 10 (1): 32-39
Article | Open Access
Bioprospecting potential and secondary metabolite profile of a novel sediment-derived fungus Penicillium sp. ArCSPf from continental slope of Eastern Arabian Sea
Published: 31 January 2019
2019, 10 (2): 109-117
Review | Open Access
Overview on antibacterial metabolites from terrestrial Aspergillus spp
Published: 22 April 2019
2019, 10 (4): 191-209
Article | Open Access
Antibacterial secondary metabolites from an endophytic fungus, Arthrinium sp. MFLUCC16-1053 isolated from Zingiber cassumunar
Published: 31 May 2018
2018, 9 (4): 264-272
Article | Open Access
Helvolic acid, an antibacterial nortriterpenoid from a fungal endophyte, Xylaria sp. of orchid Anoectochilus setaceus endemic to Sri Lanka
Published: 25 March 2014
2014, 5 (1): 23-28
Total 5