Nano Research Hybrid Editors-in-Chief: Yadong Li, Shoushan Fan
Keyword: carbon dot
Research Article
Flavonoid moiety-incorporated carbon dots for ultrasensitive and highly selective fluorescence detection and removal of Pb2+
Published: 02 August 2018
2018, 11 (7): 3648-3657
Research Article
Ultrastable and ultrasensitive pH-switchable carbon dots with high quantum yield for water quality identification, glucose detection, and two starch-based solid-state fluorescence materials
Published: 07 August 2020
2020, 13 (11): 3012-3018
Research Article
Wide emission shifts and high quantum yields of solvatochromic carbon dots with rich pyrrolic nitrogen
Published: 08 June 2020
2020, 13 (9): 2492-2499
Research Article
Highly efficient gene silencing and bioimaging based on fluorescent carbon dots in vitro and in vivo
Published: 07 November 2016
2017, 10 (2): 503-519
Research Article
Fluorescent carbon dots synthesized in solid phase and air for application in LEDs
Published: 25 July 2024
2024, 17 (9): 8495-8503
Total 5