Nano Research Hybrid Editors-in-Chief: Yadong Li, Shoushan Fan
Keyword: ZnO nanowires
Research Article
Structural dependence of piezoelectric size effects and macroscopic polarization in ZnO nanowires: A first-principles study
Published: 07 May 2015
2015, 8 (6): 2073-2081
Research Article
Influence of external electric field on piezotronic effect in ZnO nanowires
Published: 24 April 2015
2015, 8 (7): 2390-2399
Research Article | Open Access
Bending-Induced Conductance Increase in Individual emiconductor Nanowires and Nanobelts
Published: 01 July 2009
2009, 2 (7): 553-557
Research Article
Reshaping the Tips of ZnO Nanowires by Pulsed Laser Irradiation
Published: 18 May 2012
2012, 5 (6): 412-420
Total 4