Open Access Research Article Issue
Regulating the Nb2C nanosheets with different degrees of oxidation in water lubricated sliding toward an excellent tribological performance
Friction 2022, 10(3): 398-410
Published: 11 January 2021
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Novel two-dimensional (2D) Nb2C nanosheets were successfully prepared through a simple lultrasonic and magnetic stirring treatment from the original accordion-like powder. To further study their water-lubrication properties and deal with common oxidation problems, Nb2C nanosheets with different oxidation degrees were prepared and achieved long-term stability in deionized water. Scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), scanning probe microscope (SPM), X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Raman, and X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS) experiments were utilized to characterize the structure, morphology, and dispersion of Nb2C nanosheets with different degrees of oxidation. The tribological behaviors of Nb2C with different degrees of oxidation as additives for water lubrication were characterized using a UMT-3 friction testing machine. The wear scars formed on the 316 steel surface were measured using three-dimensional (3D) laser scanning confocal microscopy. The tribological results showed that a moderately oxidized Nb2C nanosheet, which owned the composition of Nb2C/Nb2O5/C, displayed excellent tribological performance, with the friction coefficient (COF) decreasing by 90.3% and a decrease in the wear rate by 73.1% compared with pure water. Combining the TEM and Raman spectra, it was shown that Nb2O5 nanoparticles filled in the worn zone, and the layered Nb2C and C were adsorbed into the surface of the friction pair to form a protective lubricating film. This combined action resulted in an excellent lubricating performance.

Open Access Research Article Issue
How the fluorographene replaced graphene as nanoadditive for improving tribological performances of GTL-8 based lubricant oil
Friction 2021, 9(3): 488-501
Published: 05 June 2020
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Fluorographene, a new alternative to graphene, it not only inherits the 2-dimensional (2D) layered structure and outstanding mechanical properties, but also possesses controllable C-F bonds. It is meaningful to reveal the evolution processes of the tribological behaviors from graphene to fluorographene. In this work, fluorinated reduced graphene oxide nanosheets (F-rGO) with different degree of fluorination were prepared using direct gas-fluorination and they were added into gas to liquid-8 (GTL-8) base oil as lubricant additive to improve the tribological performance. According to the results, the coefficient of friction (COF) reduced by 21%, notably, the wear rate reduced by 87% with the addition of highly fluorinated reduced graphene oxide (HF-rGO) compared with rGO. It was confirmed that more covalent C-F bonds which improved the chemical stability of HF-rGO resisted the detachment of fluorine so the HF-rGO nanosheets showed less damage, as demonstrated via X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Raman spectra, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Meanwhile, the ionic liquid (IL) adsorbed on HF-rGO successfully improved the dispersibility of F-rGO in GTL-8 base oil. The investigation of tribofilm by TEM and focused ion beam (FIB) illustrated that IL displayed a synergy to participate in the tribochemical reaction and increased the thickness of tribofilm during the friction process.

Open Access Research Article Issue
Tribological and anti-corrosion performance of epoxy resin composite coatings reinforced with differently sized cubic boron nitride (CBN) particles
Friction 2021, 9(1): 104-118
Published: 23 January 2020
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A series of high solid content (30 wt%) epoxy resin (EP) composite coatings reinforced with differently sized cubic boron nitride (CBN) particles were fabricated successfully on 304L stainless steel. Polydopamine (PDA) was used to improve the dispersibility of CBN particles in EP. The structural and morphological features of the CBN particles and the composite coatings were characterized by Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Moreover, a UMT-3 tribometer and surface profiler were used to investigate the tribological behaviors of the as-prepared composite coatings. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and Tafel analysis were used to investigate the coatings’ anti-corrosion performance. The results demonstrated that the CBN fillers could effectively enhance the tribological and anti-corrosion properties of the EP composite coatings. In addition, when the additive proportion of the microsized (5 µm) and nanosized (550 nm) CBN particles was 1:1, the tribological property of the EP composite coatings was optimal for dry sliding, which was attributed to the load carrying capability of the microsized CBN particles and the toughening effect of the nanosized CBN particles. However, when the additive proportion of the microsized and nanosized CBN particles was 2:1, the tribology and corrosion resistance performance were optimal in seawater conditions. We ascribed this to the load-carrying capacity of the microparticles, which played a more important role under the seawater lubrication condition, and the more compact structure, which improved the electrolyte barrier ability for the composite coatings.

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