Open Access Research Article Issue
MusicFace: Music-driven expressive singing face synthesis
Computational Visual Media 2024, 10(1): 119-136
Published: 30 November 2023
Abstract PDF (6.2 MB) Collect

It remains an interesting and challenging problem to synthesize a vivid and realistic singing face driven by music. In this paper, we present a method for this task with natural motions for the lips, facial expression, head pose, and eyes. Due to the coupling of mixed information for the human voice and backing music in common music audio signals, we design a decouple-and-fuse strategy to tackle the challenge. We first decompose the input music audio into a human voice stream and a backing music stream. Due to the implicit and complicated correlation between the two-stream input signals and the dynamics of the facial expressions, head motions, and eye states, we model their relationship with an attention scheme, where the effects of the two streams are fused seamlessly. Furthermore, to improve the expressivenes of the generated results, we decompose head movement generation in terms of speed and direction, and decompose eye state generation into short-term blinking and long-term eye closing, modeling them separately. We have also built a novel dataset, SingingFace, to support training and evaluation of models for this task, including future work on this topic. Extensive experiments and a user study show that our proposed method is capable of synthesizing vivid singing faces, qualitatively and quantitatively better than the prior state-of-the-art.

Open Access Research Article Issue
Feature-based RGB-D camera pose optimization for real-time 3D reconstruction
Computational Visual Media 2017, 3(2): 95-106
Published: 02 March 2017
Abstract PDF (5 MB) Collect

In this paper we present a novel feature-based RGB-D camera pose optimization algorithm for real-time 3D reconstruction systems. During camera pose estimation, current methods in online systems suffer from fast-scanned RGB-D data, or generate inaccurate relative transformations between consecutive frames. Our approach improves current methods by utilizing matched features across all frames and is robust for RGB-D data with large shifts in consecutive frames. We directly estimate camera pose for each frame by efficiently solving a quadratic minimization problem to maximize the consistency of 3D points in global space across frames corresponding to matched feature points. We have implemented our method within two state-of-the-art online 3D reconstruction platforms. Experimental results testify that our method is efficient and reliable in estimating camera poses for RGB-D data with large shifts.

Open Access Research Article Issue
Stable haptic interaction based on adaptive hierarchical shape matching
Computational Visual Media 2015, 1(3): 253-265
Published: 06 November 2015
Abstract PDF (5.6 MB) Collect

In this paper, we present a framework allowing users to interact with geometrically complex 3D deformable objects using (multiple) haptic devices based on an extended shape matching approach. There are two major challenges for haptic-enabled interaction using the shape matching method. The first is how to obtain a rapid deformation propagation when a large number of shape matching clusters exist. The second is how to robustly handle the collision response when the haptic interaction point hits the particle-sampled deformable volume. Our framework extends existing multi-resolution shape matching methods, providing an improved energy convergence rate. This is achieved by using adaptive integration strategies to avoid insignificant shape matching iterations during the simulation. Furthermore, we present a new mechanism called stable constraint particle coupling which ensures consistent deformable behavior during haptic interaction. As demonstrated in our experimental results, the proposed method provides natural and smooth haptic rendering as well as efficient yet stable deformable simulation of complex models in real time.

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