Open Access Research Article Issue
Detecting human-object interaction with multi-level pairwise feature network
Computational Visual Media 2021, 7(2): 229-239
Published: 19 October 2020
Abstract PDF (6.1 MB) Collect

Human-object interaction (HOI) detection is crucial for human-centric image understanding which aims to infer human, action, object triplets within an image. Recent studies often exploit visual features and the spatial configuration of a human-object pair in order to learn the action linking the human and object in the pair. We argue that such a paradigm of pairwise feature extraction and action inference can be applied not only at the whole human and object instance level, but also at the part level at which a body part interacts with an object, and at the semantic level by considering the semantic label of an object along with human appearance and human-object spatial configuration, to infer the action. We thus propose a multi-levelpairwise feature network (PFNet) for detecting human-object interactions. The network consists of threeparallel streams to characterize HOI utilizing pairwise features at the above three levels; the three streams are finally fused to give the action prediction. Extensive experiments show that our proposed PFNet outperforms other state-of-the-art methods on the V-COCO dataset and achieves comparable results to the state-of-the-art on the HICO-DET dataset.

Survey Issue
Lane Detection: A Survey with New Results
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 2020, 35(3): 493-505
Published: 29 May 2020
Abstract Collect

Lane detection is essential for many aspects of autonomous driving, such as lane-based navigation and high-definition (HD) map modeling. Although lane detection is challenging especially with complex road conditions, considerable progress has been witnessed in this area in the past several years. In this survey, we review recent visual-based lane detection datasets and methods. For datasets, we categorize them by annotations, provide detailed descriptions for each category, and show comparisons among them. For methods, we focus on methods based on deep learning and organize them in terms of their detection targets. Moreover, we introduce a new dataset with more detailed annotations for HD map modeling, a new direction for lane detection that is applicable to autonomous driving in complex road conditions, a deep neural network LineNet for lane detection, and show its application to HD map modeling.

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