Open Access Research Article Issue
Sensitivity of forest phenology in China varies with proximity to forest edges
Forest Ecosystems 2023, 10 (6): 100144
Published: 23 October 2023
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Shifts in forest phenological events serve as strong indicators of climate change. However, the sensitivity of phenology events to climate change in relation to forest origins has received limited attention. Moreover, it is unknown whether forest phenology changes with the proximity to forest edge.


This study examined the green-up dates, dormancy dates, time-integrated NDVI (LiNDVI, a measure of vegetation productivity in growing season), and their sensitivities to climatic factors along the gradients of distance (i.e. proximity) to forest edge (0–2 ​km) in China's natural forests (NF) and planted forests (PF). For the analysis, field-surveyed data were integrated with Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) NDVI from 2000 to 2022.


Our results reveal that PF had earlier green-up dates, later dormancy dates, and higher LiNDVI than NF. However, green-up sensitivities to temperature were higher at the edges of NF, whereas no such pattern was observed in PF. Conversely, the sensitivity of dormancy dates remains relatively stable from the inner to the edge of both NF and PF, except for a quadratic change in dormancy date sensitivity to precipitation found in NF. Additionally, we found that the green-up sensitivity to temperature increased with decreasing proximity to edge in NF evergreen forests, while it showed the opposite trend in PF evergreen forests. Furthermore, we observed that the precipitation impact on green-up dates shifts from postponing to advancing from the inner to the edge of NF, whereas precipitation dominantly postpones PF's green-up dates regardless of the proximity to edge. The LiNDVI exhibits higher sensitivity to precipitation at the edge areas, a phenomenon observed in NF but not in PF.


These results suggest that the responses of forests to climate change vary with the distance to the edge. With increasing edge forests, which results from fragmentation caused by global changes, we anticipate that desynchronized phenological events along the distance to the edge could alter biogeochemical cycles and reshape ecosystem services such as energy flows, pollination duration, and the tourism industry. Therefore, we advocate for further investigations of edge effects to improve ecosystem modelling, enhance forest stability, and promote sustainable tourism.

Open Access Research Article Issue
Demographic changes in China's forests from 1998 to 2018
Forest Ecosystems 2023, 10 (1): 100094
Published: 08 February 2023
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Tree demography is an essential indicator of various forest ecosystem services, and understanding its changes is critical for the sustainable management of forests. During the past four decades, China implemented unprecedented forest restoration projects, which altered tree demography by increasing the number of trees and introducing new species. However, it remains unclear how species composition has changed in China in response to the past forest restoration and demographical processes.


We applied Forest Stability Index (FSI) and the relative change of FSI (%FSI) to describe the population dynamics of tree species and structure in China since 1998, using field-survey data collected from over 200,000 plot-records from the 6th to 9th National Forest Inventories (NFIs).


The overall populations of both natural and planted forests have grown rapidly from 1998 to 2018, while the range of changes in the relative tree density was more variable for natural forests (ranging from −8.53% to 42.46%) than for planted forests (ranging from −1.01% to 13.31%). The populations declined only in some of the tree species, including Betula platyphylla, Ulmus pumila, and Robinia pseudoacacia. In contrast, the populations of trees in the largest size-class either remained stable or expanded.


Tree density of China's forests (both natural and planted forests) generally expanded and the overall populations increased in most size classes, with greater increases occurred in planted forests. In contrasting to the global decline trends of large diameter trees, here we found no apparent decline for trees in the largest size-class in China, highlighting China's success in improving forest health and forest adaptations to climate change. We advocate for more studies to reveal the mechanisms of the changes in tree demography, which will help to improve forest ecosystem services such as the carbon sequestration capacity.

Open Access Research Issue
Forest management required for consistent carbon sink in China's forest plantations
Forest Ecosystems 2021, 8 (4): 54
Published: 10 August 2021
Abstract PDF (2.3 MB) Collect

Forest is the largest biomass carbon (C) pool in China, taking up a substantial amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Although it is well understood that planted forests (PFs) act as a large C sink, the contribution of human management to C storage enhancement remains obscure. Moreover, existing projections of forest C dynamics suffer from spatially inconsistent age and type information or neglected human management impacts. In this study, using developed PF age and type maps and data collected from 1371 forest plantation sites in China, we simulated biomass C stock change and quantified management impacts for the time period 2010-2050.


Results show that future forest biomass C increment might have been overestimated by 32.5%-107.5% in former studies. We also found that age-related growth will be by far the largest contributor to PF biomass C increment from 2010 to 2050 (1.23 ± 0.002 Pg C, 1 Pg=1015 g=1 billion metric tons), followed by the impact of human management (0.57 ± 0.02 Pg C), while the contribution of climate is slight (0.087 ± 0.04 Pg C). Besides, an additional 0.24 ± 0.07 Pg C can be stored if current PFs are all managed by 2050, resulting in a total increase of 2.13 ± 0.05 Pg C.


Forest management and age-related growth dominate the biomass C change in PFs, while the effect of climatic factors on the accumulation is minor. To achieve the ambitious goal of forest C stock enhancement by 3.5 Pg from 2020 to 2050, we advocate to improve the management of existing forests and reduce the requests for more lands for forest expansion, which helps mitigate potential conflicts with agricultural sectors. Our results highlight that appropriate planning and management are required for sustaining and enhancing biomass C sequestration in China's PF.

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