Open Access Research Article Issue
Mechanical property enhancements and amorphous thermal transports of ordered weberite-type RE3Nb/TaO7 high-entropy oxides
Journal of Advanced Ceramics 2023, 12(2): 399-413
Published: 03 January 2023
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A3BO7-type (A = rare earth (RE), B = Nb or Ta) oxides have been studied as protective coating materials because of their low thermal conductivity; however, their hardness, toughness, and stiffness are insufficient, particularly for members with webeirte-type structures. In this work, we have synthesized two high-entropy oxides (HEOs) of weberite-type RE niobates/tantalates (RE3Nb/TaO7), i.e., (Nd1/7Sm1/7Eu1/7Gd1/7Dy1/7Ho1/7Er1/7)3NbO7 (7HEOs-Nb) and (Nd1/7Sm1/7Eu1/7Gd1/7Dy1/7Ho1/7Er1/7)3(Nb1/2Ta1/2)O7 (7HEOs-NbTa), to overcome the mechanical deficiencies. The short- and long-range ordered arrangements of RE cations in the A-site and Nb/Ta cations in the B-site were identified by the X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy-dispersive spectrometry (EDS), and transmission electron microscopy. The enhancements in hardness (H = 9.4 GPa) and fracture toughness (KIC = 2.0 MPa·m1/2) were realized by grain refinement, solid solution strengthening, and high stiffness (K). The exceptional phase stability at 25−1500 ℃, amorphous thermal conductivity (k = 1.5−1.7 W·m−1·K−1 at 25−900 ℃), and high thermal expansion coefficients (TEC > 11.0×10−6 K−1 at 1500 ℃) further supported their potential application as protective coating materials.

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