Open Access Research Article Issue
Four new species of Russula from the Xizang Autonomous Region and other provinces of China
Mycology 2024, 15 (2): 210-237
Published: 02 November 2023
Abstract Collect

Russula is the largest genus in the Russulales and is widespread throughout the world. Almost all Russula species are known to be ectomycorrhizal with high ecological and edible values, and some are lethal poisonous. In this study, four new species belonging to the subgenus Russula crown clade are identified based on morphological and phylogenetic evidence from the Xizang Autonomous Region and other provinces of China. Morphologically, Russula paragraveolens (sect. Polychromae, subsect. Xerampelinae) is mainly characterised by a cherry red to blood red pileus centre, a reddish orange pileus margin; R. pseudograveolens (sect. Polychromae, subsect. Xerampelinae) is characterised by a violet brown to brownish red pileus centre, a pale red to pastel red pileus margin and short basidia; R. shigatseensis (sect. Flavisiccantes, subsect. Lepidinae) is characterised by a brownish orange to madder red pileus centre, pinkish red pileus margin, and having lateral branches or branches of hyphal terminations in pileipellis; R. yadongensis (sect. Tenellae, subsect. Laricinae) is characterised by a dark purplish red pileus centre with brownish purple tints and having isolated to clustered spines of spore ornamentations. Their distinct taxonomic status is confirmed by the positions of the four new species in both the ITS and 4-locus (nucLSU, mtSSU, rpb2, tef1) phylogenetic trees.

Open Access Research Article Issue
A review of Cystoderma (Agaricales/Basidiomycota) from China with four new species and two new records
Mycology 2022, 13 (3): 163-176
Published: 22 December 2021
Abstract Collect

Cystoderma comprises the species with heavily universal veil remnants on basidiomes, weakly to strongly amyloid basidiospores, evanescent floccose-scaly ring zone or persistent membranous ring, which were often encountered in forests and grassland. However, they were less studied than other mushroom groups mainly because of its unclearly phylogenetic position. In this study, we gathered 16 specimens from Southwest and Northwest China, where were the richest biodiversity areas in China, and produced their ITS and nrLSU sequences. The related morphological examinations and molecular phylogenetic analysis showed they belonged to eight species, of which four were new species, and named as Cystoderma lilaceum, C. pseudoamianthinum, C. rugosolateritium, C. subglobisporum, and of which two were new records from China, and they were C. granosum, C. subvinaceum. New species and new records were described in details and discussed with other species. This study not only showed the novel geographical distributions as well as high species diversity of Cystoderma in China, but also provided more research data for the further studies in mushrooms systematics.

Open Access Article Issue
A preliminary DNA barcode selection for the genus Russula (Russulales, Basidiomycota)
Mycology 2019, 10 (2): 61-74
Published: 23 August 2018
Abstract Collect

Russula is a worldwid genus which has a high species diversity. Aiming accurate and rapid species identification, candidate genes nLSU (28S), ITS, tef-1α, mtSSU, rpb1, and rpb2, were analysed as potential DNA barcodes. This analysis included 433 sequences from 38 well-circumscribed Russula species of eight subgenera. Two vital standards were analysed for success species identification using DNA barcodes, specifically inter- and intra-specific variations together with the success rates of PCR amplification and sequencing. Although the gap between inter- and intra-specific variations was narrow, ITS met the qualification standards for a target DNA barcode. Overlapping inter- and intra-specific pairwise distances were observed in nLSU, tef-1α, mtSSU, and rpb2. The success rates of PCR amplification and sequencing in mtSSU and rpb1 were lower than those of others. Gene combinations were also investigated for resolution of species recognition. ITS-rpb2 was suggested as the likely target DNA barcode for Russula, owing to the two viatal standards above. Since nLSU has the lowest minimum of inter-specific variation, and tef-1α has the highest overlap between intra- and inter-species variations among the candidate genes, they are disqualified from the selection for DNA barcode of Russula.

Open Access Original Article Issue
New species of Cystolepiota from China
Mycology 2016, 7 (4): 165-170
Published: 19 October 2016
Abstract Collect

In this paper, a new species, Cystolepiota pseudofumosifolia, is introduced. C. pseudofumosifolia is characterized by granulose or powdery pileus with an anatomic structure that is loosely globose, as well as ellipsoid cells in chains in the pileus covering the cheilocystidia. This new species is compared to the related and similar Cystolepiota species in morphology and molecular phylogeny based on Internal transcribed spacer sequences. Both types of data support our specimens as a new species in the genus Cystolepiota.

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