Research Article Issue
Rational cathode configuration with bilayer membranes to engineer current-collector-free high-areal-sulfur lithium-sulfur batteries
Nano Research 2024, 17(6): 5224-5232
Published: 01 February 2024
Abstract PDF (14 MB) Collect

The application of light-weight current collectors is preferred because of the increased energy density of the batteries. Bearing it in mind, the cathode is designed with self-made paperlike memberane as current collector coupled with another interlayer to enable the high-energy-density lithium-sulfur batteries. Via a facile and green step-by-step methodology, the hybrid membrane is finalized successfully, consisting of reduced graphene oxide sheets covering paper-derived carbon (GPC) bearing Fe@Fe2O3 and Fe1−xS@Fe2O3 core–shell nanoparticles (FeFeO/FeSFeO@GPC). The film works as the current collector and interlayer simultaneously considering the porous and conductive features. As demonstrated by the electrochemical testing, the FeFeO/FeSFeO@GPC hybrid cell exhibits attractive cycling stability and superior rate capability. The cell configuration and structural/composition merits of FeFeO/FeSFeO@GPC film facilitate the faster reaction kinetics, conducive to the improvement of capacity retention. In view of the effective cathode design, the areal sulfur loading is increased to 10.46 mg·cm−2 and a reversible capacity of 6.67 mAh·cm−2 can be retained after 60 cycles at 0.1 C.

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