Research Article Issue
Formatted PVDF in lamellar composite solid electrolyte for solid-state lithium metal battery
Nano Research 2024, 17(6): 5159-5167
Published: 01 February 2024
Abstract PDF (3.2 MB) Collect

Solid polymer electrolytes (SPEs) hold great application potential for solid-state lithium metal battery because of the excellent interfacial contact and processibility, but being hampered by the poor room-temperature conductivity (~ 10−7 S·cm−1) and low lithium-ion transference number ( tLi+). Here, a lamellar composite solid electrolyte (Vr-NH2@polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) LCSE) with β-conformation PVDF is fabricated by confining PVDF in the interlayer channel of –NH2 modified vermiculite lamellar framework. We demonstrate that the conformation of PVDF can be manipulated by the nanoconfinement effect and the interaction from channel wall. The presence of –NH2 groups could induce the formation of β-conformation PVDF through electrostatic interaction, which serves as continuous and rapid lithium-ion transfer pathway. As a result, a high room-temperature ionic conductivity of 1.77 × 10−4 S·cm−1 is achieved, 1–2 orders of magnitude higher than most SPEs. Furthermore, Vr-NH2@PVDF LCSE shows a high tLi+ of 0.68 because of the high dielectric constant, ~ 3 times of that of PVDF SPE, and surpassing most of reported SPEs. The LiNi0.8Co0.1Mn0.1O2||Li cell assembled by Vr-NH2@PVDF LCSE obtains a discharge specific capacity of 137.1 mAh·g−1 after 150 cycles with a capacity retention rate of 93% at 1 C and 25 °C. This study may pave a new avenue for high-performance SPEs.

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