Open Access Research Article Issue
Multiscale analysis on the wear process of cemented carbide tools during titanium alloy machining
Friction 2025, 13(3): 9440921
Published: 09 December 2024
Abstract PDF (11.3 MB) Collect

Cemented carbide tools are widely utilized in titanium alloy machining. However, severe tool wear usually occurs during machining; thus, the wear process has attracted widespread attention. Electromagnetic treatment was applied in our previous study to significantly improve the tool life of cemented carbide tools in Ti6Al4V machining. To investigate the effect of electromagnetic treatment on wear performance, a multiscale analysis of the wear process of cemented carbide tools in the turning process, including microdefects and wear topography at various scales, was conducted in the present study. The distribution of dislocations in the tool material was measured through electron backscatter diffraction, and the surface topographies in the wear area during the Ti6Al4V cutting process were recorded via white light interferometry. Fractal analysis based on the scaling property of surface roughness was carried out to further quantify the wear performance of the tools. The results revealed that the wear mechanism of the cutting tools was mainly adhesion and diffusion, and the diffusion wear of the electromagnetically treated tools was less than that of the untreated tools. Based on the multiscale analysis of flank wear, the effect of electromagnetic treatment on the enhancement of the wear resistance of cemented carbide cutting tools was demonstrated. The multiscale analysis of the wear performance of cutting tools in this study effectively revealed the mechanism by which electromagnetic treatment enhances wear resistance, thus contributing to filling the research gap of traditional studies on tool wear that generally employ single scales.

Open Access Full Length Article Issue
A novel method for AFRPs burrs removal: Principle of mechanochemo-induced fiber fracture
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 2024, 37(7): 522-538
Published: 14 May 2024
Abstract Collect

Burrs generated during the machining of Aramid-Fiber-Reinforced Composites (AFRPs) pose a challenge for the production efficiency of aircraft and helicopter housing parts. Existing studies have generally attempted to suppress burrs by referring to delamination suppression methods. In contrast to stratification, burrs are remediable machining defects. As such, a mechanochemical method with burrs trimming technological strategy are implemented to effectively combat burrs. Herein, we clarify the mechanism by which aramid fibers cannot be cut off using analytical and numerical models. In addition, the mechanism of fiber fracture with Modified Polyurethane Reactive Polymer (M-PUR), and development of anti-burr devices (thermostatic adhesive sealed generator) are discussed. Finally, the experimental results show that the reduction rate in burr length is 87%–91% through the mechanochemical method. The method not only opens a new avenue to solve the burr problem of aramid fibers but also builds an interdisciplinary bridge between polymer science and composite machining.

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