The exploration of high-performance dielectric ceramics with dielectric constants lower than 10 is of great significance for the next generation of wireless communication. In this study, we reported the Yb2Si2O7 (YSO) dielectric ceramics synthesized using a facile solid-state reaction technique. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) characterization confirmed that YSO ceramics had a monoclinic structure. At a sintering temperature of 1500 °C, the sintered sample reached a maximum relative density of 96% and demonstrated the best dielectric properties: dielectric constant (εr) = 7.57, Q×f = 78,645 GHz (Q is quality factor, and f is the resonant frequency of 13.5 GHz), andtemperature coefficient of the resonant frequency (τf) = −13.5 ppm/°C. Moreover, Raman analysis revealed that the Si–O bond dominated the lattice vibration, and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the strong peak at 922 cm−1 was inversely proportional to the Q×f value. According to the Phillips–van Vechten–Levine (P–V–L) theory, the values of Q×f and τf are affected primarily by the Si–O bond, while εr is influenced mainly by the Yb–O bond. YSO ceramics demonstrated excellent dielectric properties in the terahertz band (εr = 8.13, Q×f = 112,758 GHz), making them promising candidates for future applications in the terahertz band.

Sr0.7Bi0.2TiO3 (SBT) by increasing the proportion and size of polar nano-region. Meanwhile, the BDS remains a high level with x ≤ 0.38 attributed to the addition of KBT with a large band gap. As a result, the 0.62SBT-0.38KBT exhibits a high energy storage density of 2.21 J/cm3 with high η of 91.4% at 220 kV/cm and superior temperature stability (−55 ~ 150 °C), frequency stability (10 ~ 500 Hz) and fatigue resistance (105 cycles). Moreover, high pulsed discharge energy density (1.81 J/cm3), high power density (49.5 MW/cm3) and great thermal stability (20 ~ 160 °C) are achieved in 0.62SBT-0.38KBT. Based on these excellent properties, the 0.62SBT-0.38KBT are suitable for pulsed power systems. This work provides a novel strategy and systematic study for improving energy storage properties of SBT.